Chapter 2

The actual process of buying CRM

In this chapter, I emphasize on how the co-operation of your management team and employees plays a vital role in the integration of CRM software. It briefly explains how the tool serves as a helping hand for Sales Managers and Sales Executives. The book talks about the necessity to know the requirements and expectations of CRM. I have clearly addressed the pain points that people suffer and what measures to take to avoid difficulties when initiating the process of buying CRM. These measures are as follows:
  1. Create a list of challenges you are facing or problems that you want to solve.
  2. Write down processes that you want to manage with CRM.
  3. Ask CRM vendors to give a guided tour of their products and show you how their software can solve your problems.
  4. Ask for a list of at least three customers from every shortlisted CRM vendor.
  5. Always choose a vendor who has written the CRM Implementation process, which their salesperson can explain adequately.
  6. Talk to those customers and discuss the following points:
    a) What challenges they faced while implementing CRM, and how did they handle them.
    b) How did the CRM vendor help in resolving those challenges?
    c) Ask them how they are using their CRM currently and how satisfied they are with their usage.
  7. Don’t over negotiate. Since you don’t know what they will deliver, CRM vendors may cut down the deliverables without your knowledge.

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Chapter 1

Deciding to Buy CRM

Chapter 3

Implementing CRM